Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2009 Details

Tuesday 10th Feb - Isil's house
Tuesday 3rd March - Julia's house
Tuesday 24th March - Karen's house
Tuesday 14th April
Tuesday 5th May - Julia's house
Tuesday 26th May - Catherine's house
Tuesday 16th June - Julia's house
Tuesday 14th July - Julia's house

These coffee mornings usually run between 10am and 12pm but please email me for details about timing and directions to the venue.

At the coffee mornings we will have teas/coffees but it would be great if you are able to bring along a healthy snack to share.

We will also have the library, LLL members are welcome to borrow books anytime, non-members are asked to make a donation. Making a donation enables us to keep the library up-to-date with and new books that are published. Please email me on the address below for information in LLL membership.

If you have something in particular you would like to discuss then let us know beforehand, or on the day, otherwise we will arrange a topic or an article, or even something in the news to spark some interesting discussions!To enable us to plan the meetings better, and give our hosts an idea of numbers to expect on the day, it would be great if you could reply to LLLGuildford@tye-walker.co.uk just to let us know whether you are expecting to come along to the coffee morning.We look forward to seeing you all soon